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Peer Support Work (Headspace)

1. Volunteer Opportunity – Friends of Finlay
2. Volunteer Opportunity – Kaleidoscope
3. Volunteer at Fringe World Festival 2018
4. Dircksey Sub/Section Editors
5. Peer Support Work (Headspace)
6. ECU Guild Postgraduate Officer
7. 99 Bikes Job Opportunity
8. KickstART Festival Volunteers
10. Adventurous Volunteers Wanted!
11. Understanding the young volunteers and humanitarians of Australia in 2018
12. Legacy WA Volunteer Opportunity
13. Tap into Safety Casual Translator Work
14. Volunteers Wanted for Constable Care Safety School.
15. Job Opportunity: Hostel Sales Executive
16. Job Opportunity: Dircksey Editor 2020
17. Manual Labourer(s) Wanted
18. South West Casual Event Hand Wanted
19. Available: Postgraduate Officer ECU Senate Role
20. CLOSED: ECU Guild Casuals Joondalup and Mount Lawley

Black Swan Health LTD is one of only four lead agencies in Australia selected to establish a new program of clinical services, headspace Youth Early Psychosis Program (hYEPP)hYEPP is an exciting initiative funded by the Australian Government (Department of Health and Ageing) designed to ensure that there is early intervention, responsive, and recovery focused care for young people aged 12 – 25 years who are at risk of or experiencing first episode psychosis(FEP), based on the highly regarded EPPIC model.

They currently have applications open for two Peer Support Work positions, and two Family Peer Support Work positions, all two days per week.

  • Peer Support Workers are young people with a lived experience of a first episode of psychosis or other severe mental health concerns, whom are in a stage of recovery in their journey where they are able to support other young people (headspace Youth Early Psychosis clients) in their recovery journeys.

Link to the PSW job advertisement:

  • Family Peer Support Workers are family members who have a lived experience of caring for a young person who has experienced a first episode of psychosis, and would like to support families of current hYEPP clients who might be going through similar experiences.

Link to the FPSW advertisement:

Applications close on December 5th 2017. For any queries please contact Stacy Baptiste (08 9208 9563).

Building 34.215 (Ngoolark)
Edith Cowan University
270 Joondalup Drive

Room 3.147
Edith Cowan University
2 Bradford Street

Building 7.105
Edith Cowan University
585 Robertson Drive

Joondalup Map
Mount Lawley Map
Bunbury Map

Joondalup: Monday-Friday: 8am – 4pm

Mount Lawley: Hours may vary.

Telephone 08 6304 2640

ABN ​87 081 487 187

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